相信許多人一生當中所閱讀的書,多多少少有幾本是自己覺得最受用,或者對自己最有影響的。同樣的,許多人走上素食之路,也可能來自一本書的影響。「蕃茄小屋」的「閱讀時間」單元,這期特地透過網路做一份「影響你成為素食者的一本書」調查,試著為大家搜尋出足以影響大家成為素食者的一些好書。我們採用的方式是透過網路,在幾個主要素食論壇 (包括美國、英國、澳洲、台灣、大陸、香港、加拿大等國家),進行這項調查,對象沒有年齡、性別或國家的限制,在為期三個星期的調查之後,總計有56個人回覆。

 這次的調查,共有49本書被回覆者認為是影響他們成為素食者的書。其中被最多人選的是由約翰•羅賓斯所著的「新世紀飲食(Diet For A New America)」,總共有9個人選它。緊接在後的是有7個人選的「純素飲食—飲食的新道德觀(Vegan: the new ethic of eating)」。同被6個人選為影響他們成為素食者的書分別是「速食共和國--速食的黑暗面(Fast Food Nation)」與「忿怒的牛仔(Mad Cowboy)」。


 每個人對於好書的定義不同,每個人會受影響的書也可能不同,這次調查的目的,則是希望集眾人之力,彙集一些大家認為好的書,供大家日後自己閱讀或介紹他人閱讀時有所參考囉 : )



書名 作者 出版國家 出版社 提案人的意見 票數

Diet For A New America


John Rbbins

約翰•羅賓斯/著; 張國蓉、塗世玲/ 譯



H.J. Kramer; Reprint edition (April 1, 1998)


kittyk60 : 對於深愛動物的我來說,影響我最深刻的文字,不是文字,而是圖片。在我看過那些殘忍的圖片之後,我從不再吃肉。The author was expected to take over and run the Baskin-Robbins ice cream company, but declined. One good quote of many: “It’s not the killing of the animals that is the chief issue here, but rather the unspeakable quality of the lives they are forced to live. The purveyors of the Great American Food Machine don’t want you to know how the animals have lived whose flesh, milk and eggs end up in your body. ...the health consequences of consuming the products of such a system,..its environmental impact.
For me, an animal lover, the most inspiring words were not words, but pictures. I never wanted meat again after seeing them.

Fast Food Nation



Eric Schlosser


U.K. & U.S.


Perennial; 1st Perenn edition (January 8, 2002)



Ashes : Fast Food Nation turned me from veggie to vegan. I knew in the back of my mind that it was all interconnected and that the milk and eggs I was consuming were still part of the whole meat deal but the descriptions in that book just made me realise that I needed to do the right thing and stop compromising.

Fringy:I was already veg, but started striving to vegan when I started realizing that the dairy cow’s life isn’t one bit easier than a meat cows, nor an egg layer’s life easier than that bread and raised for it’s meaty breast. Probably worse.

Spiralsrcool: I read “Fast Food Nation” around the time that I began considering a change in lifestyle and diet. It had a big impact on me at the time. It did not just inspire the vegetarian in me but also the environmentalist and humanitarian.

Mad Cowboy: Plain Truth from the Cattle Rancher Who Won't Eat Meat Howard Lyman and Glen Merzer U.S. Scribner; (September 1998) Veg-gril: I found it a really eye opening & powerful book.
Animal Liberation


Peter Signer

孟祥森、錢永祥/ 譯



Ecco; (December 18, 2001)


Dark Horse : Because it put into words the feelings that I had always had, but for some reason, had not put into practise. And it opened my eyes to procedures done on non-human animals by human beings that I had never imagined in my worst nightmares.
Diet For A Small Planet


Frances Moore Lappe

法蘭西斯 拉佩與 安娜 拉佩/著



Ballantine Books; Rev&Updtd edition (February 1, 1992)


SairyFan : the statistics about how much grain and water it takes to produce a pound of beef flesh astonished me - how wasteful! I was a college student majoring in economics at the time, so the economic implications of feeding more people with grain vs meat impressed me as well.
素食宣言 趙來發 香港 聚賢館 士丹利: 我開始素食時,無意中在在二手書展發現這本書,便中買回來細心閱讀。作者由不同的角度寫出素食因由和種類,亦談及素食與社會、環保、人際關係、健康、經濟的關係。對剛茹素的人士來說,這本書讓他對素食有較深入的認識,亦能擴闊對素食的視野,加強對素食的信念和堅定,是我踏上素食之路啟蒙老師。
身心靈整體健康100問 雷久南博士 台灣 琉璃光出版社 miluk : 一次在素菜館發現了這一本書,讀後有如在頭頂開了一片新天地
訪客: I agree with Mulik. This is the best book I have ever read and I think everyone should read the book to have a general understanding of health (pyschologically and spiritually )
How it All Vegan !: Irresistible Recipes for an Animal-Free Diet Sarah Kramer, Tanya Barnard U.S. Arsenal Pulp Press; (September 1, 1999) Berna: I never really liked meats, and the thought of eating something that had a brain always bothered me, so I always ate very little meat. When I finally decided to go vegetarian, I was bothered by most of the veggie cookbooks I bought because there was so much dairy in them, and dairy just doesn’t really agree with me. I decided to find some vegan cookbooks to include more non-dairy veggie dishes in my diet. I found HIAV and I just LOVED it. I liked it because it didn’t preach and wasn’t pushy or difficult. It was fun and easy, and everything I’ve made my omni hubby has loved. I bought GOV sight unseen, and I love it, too.
My Year of Meats Ruth L. Ozeki U.S. Penguin Books; (March 1, 1999) Harpua : It’s about this journalist, photographer girl who works for this beef company to film a tv show called “My American Wife” where “happy Americans” eat beef. Each episode they feature a new beef recipe. She ends up on this farm to film a family, and finds out that they are illegally using a hormone on their cows, and there is a little girl who lives there and she has developed breasts because of the hormones. This gets her thinking and she ends up being a vegetarian. VERY good book.
Why You Don’t Need Meat Peter Cox U.S. Thomas Dunne Books; 1st edition (June 1, 2002) SantaCruzDad: Well, I was already a vegetarian by this time, but an inspiring book for me back in the early 1980’s was “Why You Don’t Need Meat” by Peter Cox. It provided me with a lot of hard information to back up what I already felt was the right way to live but hadn’t always had all the facts at my disposal. It’s now in its umpteenth re-printing and still going strong 20 years later. Maybe I’ll treat myself to an up to date copy and re-read it.
我現在已是一位素食者,但影響我在1980時成為素食者的一本書是Peter Cox所寫的「為何你不需要吃肉」。它提供我許多真實的資料,來支持我原以為正確但尚未付諸實行的生活之道。這本書在20年之後,已有數不清的再版,而且依然暢銷。也許我會去買最新版,而且重讀一遍。
Animal Rights: A Very Short Introduction to Animal Rights David deGrazia U.K.

Oxford University Press; 1st edition (May 1, 2002) Donnamatrix: I had forgotten this, but my boyfriend (who has a much better memory than me for these things) reminded me that the book that pretty much kicked everything off for me, veganism-wise, was David deGrazia’s Very Short Introduction to Animal Rights. I don’t have it on me for the publication details, but I don’t suppose they matter. Available from all good book shops! It’s just a succinct volume containing all these arguments and it was the section on the reality of dairy and egg farming that shocked me and got me thinking.
Optimum Nutrition Bible


Dr Patrick Holford

派翠克 霍爾福德/著



Piatkus Books


Fruitbat: He does not actually promote veganism but points out the advantages to all different types of diet and all the good things are vegan things. He discourages dairy as unnatural and unhealthy, also the consumption of red meat and excessive consumption of any meat or fish for reasons that he explains related to health. This book made me resolve to recover healthily from anorexia and benefit from the best health possible which seemed to me to be a vegan life. I realised reading this book that the things that made me feel good about being vegeterian were actually the things that were vegan so I just converted from dairy milk and yoghurts and milk to soya alternatives and once I got more knowledgeable then I realised about animals derivatives in food etc.
Vegan: the new ethic of eating Erik Markus U.S. CyberParent   7
Becoming Vegetarian :
The Complete Guide to Adopting a Healthy Vegetarian Diet
Vesanto Melina, Brenda Davis U.S. John Wiley & Sons; Rev&Updtd edition (March 7, 2003)   3
Food Revolution John Robbins U.S. Conari Press; (July 11, 2001)   2
Becoming Vegan : The complete guide to adopting a healthy plant-based diet. Vesanto Melina, Vesanto, R.D. Melina, Brenda Davis U.S. Book Publishing Company (TN); (September 1, 2000)   2
Eat to Live Joel Fuhrman U.S. Little, Brown; 1st edition (January 2, 2003)   2
The Case For Animal Rights Tom Regan U.S. University of California Press; Rep edition (March 1, 1985)   2
養生長壽秘笈   香港 香港素食慈善基金有限公司   1



吉檀迦利 泰戈爾著 中國 遠方出版社
吉檀迦利 印度教聖典 印度     1
飲食真光——回歸田園美糧 惠心言 香港 香港青文出版社有限公司   1
Abundant Living In The Coming Age Of The Tree Kathleen Jannaway U.K., the Movement for Compassionate Living( March 1991)   1
Being Vegetarian for Dummies Suzanne Havala U.S. For Dummies; (March 13, 2001)   1
A Compassionate Heart Clare Amos U.K. Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd; (November 11, 2002)   1
Eternal Treblinka: Our treatment of animals and the holocaust Charles Patterson U.S. Lantern Books; (February 2002)   1
The Jungle Upton Sinclair U.S. Penguin   1
Animals Like Us Mark Rowlands U.K. & U.S Verso; (August 2002)   1
Empty Cages : Facing the Challenge of Animal Rights Tom Regan U.S. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers; (January 1, 2004)   1

Famous Vegetarians and Their Favorite Recipes - Lives and Lore from Buddha to the Beatles


Rynn Berry





Pythagorean Books; (September 1, 1993)


Free The Animals : The story of the animal liberation front Ingrid Newkirk U.S. Lantern Books; 1st edition (October 21, 2000)   1
Fasting and Eating for Health : A Medical Doctor's Program for Conquering Disease Joel Fuhrman U.S. St. Martin's Griffin; (April 15, 1998)   1
Food Politics : How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health (California Studies in Food and Culture) Marion Nestle U.S. University of California Press; (March 4, 2002)   1
The Garden of Vegan : How It All Vegan Again! Tanya Barnard, Sarah Kramer U.S. Arsenal Pulp Press; (April 15, 2003)   1
Ishmael : An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit Daniel Quinn U.S. Bantam ; Reissue edition (May 1, 1995)   1
Living Among Meat Eaters:
The Vegetarian's Survival Handbook
Carol J. Adams U.S. Three Rivers Press (CA); (November 6, 2001)   1
Practical Ethics Peter Singer U.K. Cambridge University Press; 2 edition (January 29, 1993)   1
Raising Vegan Children in a Non-vegan World Erin Pavlina U.S. VegFamily.com; (January 1, 2003)   1
Slaughterhouse Gail A Eisnitz U.S. Prometheus Books, New York, 1997   1
Scientific Basis for Vegetarianism William Harris,M.D. U.S. Nelson's Books   1
Vegan Vittles Joanne Stepaniak U.S. Book Publishing Company (TN); (August 1, 1996)   1
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari : A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams & Reaching Your Destiny Robin Sharma U.S. HarperSanFrancisco; (April 2, 1999)   1
Old MacDonald’s Factory Farm:
The Myth of the Traditional Farm and the Shocking Truth About Animal Suffering in Today’s Agribusiness
C. David Coats; Michael W. Fox U.S. Crossroad Publishing Company; (1989)   1
The Vegetarian Way : total health for you and your family Virginia Messina and Mark Messina. (1996) U.S. Three Rivers Press; (May 14, 1996)   1
The Vegetarian Revolution: A Commentary and Cookbook

素食革命─新世 紀烹飪

Giorgio Cerquetti, Giorgio Cerquitti


喬治亞.克魁提/ 著




Torchlight Publications; (January 1997)



Why be a vegetarian Tej Sheth,
Jej Sheth
U.S. Jain Pub Co; (December 1, 1995)   1
Introduction to Animal Rights: Your Child or the Dog? Gary Francione U.S. Temple University Press; (November 12, 2000)   1